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Oral Hygiene during Ramadan – Eid

How to prevent bad breath due to fasting?

You can prevent bad breath, or what is scientifically known as halitosis by adhering to strict oral hygiene measures such as brushing three times a day (after iftar, after suhoor and before going to bed) as well as flossing daily and the use of dental aids such as tongue scrapers.

It is also important that we try to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water and staying clear of odour producing foods if possible. If the halitosis persists there may be an underlying gum problem and a visit to your dentist and hygienists would clear this up ensuring good overall gum health.

What is the proper steps to consider in oral hygiene during Ramadan/Eid as lots of sweet is taken to break the fast and during the Eid celebration?

It is very common for the majority of us to consume increased amounts of sweet food during Ramadan and Eid.

Bacteria that cause oral disease, specifically caries and cavities, feed on these sugars, and this leads to an increase in cavities and associated symptoms such as pain. Although our body does need some sugar in order to provide energy, it is important that we do not overdo it with our intake and make sure we take these in moderation. We must also make sure to brush our teeth immediately after consuming sweet foods to limit the effect that these have on the bacteria in the mouth. 

It is also important not to forget that sugars are also found in abundance in many drinks (although they may be labeled as fresh) and the use of a straw when drinking can limit the time that the liquid is in contact with our teeth hence reducing the detrimental effect of the sugar on the teeth.

Overindulging in sweets, will this affect any dental procedures that I have done recently?

Over indulging in anything can be harmful, and we have all heard the saying “too much of a good thing is a bad thing!” Sweet food can increase the sensitivity of recently placed fillings or restorations as well as increase the chances of leakages around the filling, causing an early failure of the filling and decay forming around the filling. It is important to be realistic and not expect people to cut out sugars completely but everything in moderation.

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Your online hair analysis by Clinic Effect is free of charge. You will also receive a free consultation with the Clinic Effect hair loss experts.

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3 days after the surgery you can return to your social life.

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We are monitoring the situation to guarantee that you obtain the desired outcome.

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The transplanted hair will fall out shortly after the procedure, a condition called as shock loss, but will continue to grow.

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The Sapphire FUE process allows for least invasive hair transplantation. Only little wounds emerge on the donor region, which are normally nearly imperceptible to the human eye after healing.

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